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A validated, cost-effective and easy-to-use questionnaire to estimate cardiorespiratory fitness.

About the FitMáx© questionnaire 

Measuring and monitoring cardiorespiratory fitness is paramount in healthcare since it is related to survival, physical functioning and quality of life. The FitMáx© questionnaire was developed to support healthcare professionals and researchers to do just that.

The FitMáx© is a questionnaire consisting of three single answer questions, about the maximum capacity of walking,  climbing stairs and cycling. The questionnaire consists of a scale from 0-13 to rate maximum capacity of walking, a scale from 0-11 for maximum capacity of cycling and for the maximum capacity of stair climbing a scale from 0-10 is used.

> Use the FitMáx© questionnaire (English version)
Use the FitMáx© questionnaire (Dutch version)

What is the output of the FitMáx© questionnaire 

The maximum oxygen uptake (VO2peak) is the gold standard measure for cardiorespiratory fitness. The FitMáx© questionnaire assesses the maximum walking, cycling and climbing capacity of subjects. By adding the subject’s sex, age and BMI, the FitMáx© model estimates the maximum oxygen uptake, expressed in ml/kg/min.

The FitMáx© reached a correlation of 0,94 with the gold standard (VO2peak measured by cardiopulmonary exercise testing). A result that is superior to any other questionnaire or algorithm available in literature today.

When to use the FitMáx© questionnaire? 

The results of the FitMáx© can be used to estimate the cardiorespiratory fitness of patients or healthy subjects to tailor healthcare or exercise interventions/programs.

The FitMáx© is especially useful in healthcare settings where instant information on cardiorespiratory fitness is desirable, while there is no direct access to exercise testing.

Also it can be used when one only wants to determine the cardiorespiratory fitness without an underlying diagnostic question on the cause of exercise limitation. In such cases an exercise test is less cost-effective.

FitMáx© can help to screen cardiorespiratory fitness, tailor exercise interventions and exercise advice especially in:

Using the FitMáx© questionnaire

If you are interested in using the FitMáx© questionnaire for your own clinical setting or research project, then please contact us by completing the form below. The questionnaire has been implemented in an online platform and app, ready to use and always up to date.
